Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Opportunity of a Generation

Barack Obama's historic victory was due in large part to the tremendous effort of America's youth in their roles as campaign staffers, volunteers, and as the thousands upon thousands of students who attended Obamas' rallies. The Democratic Party happily foresees a future of campaigns aided by inspired young politicos, but instead we must encourage bright young minds to join the ranks of a wide range of public service/government jobs. 

The current energy around Obama's election and a looming boom in public service projects presents a unique and rare opportunity to invest in our nation's future, from the bottom up. 

Taking interest in a temporary Census Bureau job in 2010 after hearing a news report, it became clear to me that massive government-related employment projects not only serve to put people into work temporarily, but for inspired and forward-thinking citizens to begin potentially life-long careers in jobs at local, state, or federal govt. levels. Think beyond construction jobs and Census volunteers you realize how many rich and constructive government careers could be created in all levels; our nation's scientific, mathematic, linguistic, music, and arts institutions would be rewarded with filled positions across fields previously in need of new talent. 

A brief look at the career of Woody Guthrie reveals a Dust Bowl boy's career follow a creative path around the volatile circumstances of American government and economic forces in the early to mid 1900's. The output of the caring, if at times critical, patriot was sustained by projects related to his interactions with government-run programs, including a stint as a songwriter for the Department of the Interior and as a witness to the monumental public works projects of the Pacific Northwest (that's where all those dams came from!). 

History shows us that even critics of "government's undue power" have a dramatic ability to advance civic agendas such as public health, public works, culture, and education.

The opportunity is upon us. Our economy faces troubled water, but the American spirit has rarely called so passionately for change. While Barack Obama and future 'next-gen' American leaders advance progressive political agendas, let us also step up and find a part to play.


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